At the end of the movie Wall Street, Bud Fox’s father tells him to do something real. Is trading real? Let us know what you think in this post.
Forget New Year’s Resolutions, This Is What You Really Need
Happy New Year, I hope you had a fun holiday! I took some time off from writing, but I’m back. It was good to get away for a bit to recharge and work on some projects that needed some catching up on. Even though the new year is now staring us square in the face, […]
What You Need to Know About the SWAG Trading System?
This is the most dangerous trading strategy in the world. Learn what it is and how to avoid it. It can save you a lot of headache.
The Only Question You Should Ask Yourself Before Taking A Trade
Successful discretionary trading is supposed to be black and white…but it isn’t. That is half the challenge (and the fun). There is a constant battle between the “Spring Break/Girls Gone Wild” part of your brain that wants to risk half your account on one trade while drinking a Tequila shot and the other part that […]
Trading Psychology Video With Denise Shull
In this video, Denise Shull shares her thoughts on they psychology of successful trading through her experiences as a Trader and Trading Coach. She believes that much of the conventional advice on trading psychology is flawed and she gives her input on a variety of topics related to performing well in trading.
Sitting on Your Hands is Also a Position
In trading, you can be long or short. But you can also sit on your hands. Learn why sometimes, this is the best trading strategy of all.
5 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Immediately After a Loss to Minimize Its Psychological Impact
Losing trades can mess with your head. Learn how to minimize their psychological impact with these questions.
How to Stay in a Trade When Others Bail
On a recent trade, I was able to stay in the trade because I focused on price action. However, my ability to stay in a trade and see it to fruition is not as nearly as reliable as I would like it to be. As I continue to work on this, I thought that I […]
Excuses Begone! – Book Review
I just got through reading, err, listening to Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book Excuses Begone! Even though this isn’t a trading book per se, I believe that it is important to explore different points of view when it comes to examining my own psychology. I usually get the audio version of a book whenever possible because […]
Attract Abundance with this Simple Trick
This simple exercise can help you achieve an abundance mindset. It’s easy to do and is probably more powerful than you might think.