Learn how to have different timeframe charts open at the same time while you’re backtesting. This is easy and will speed up the process.
Do Professional Traders Backtest?
Find out if professional traders backtest, which traders backtest and the tools they use to backtest. The answer might surprise you.
The Number of Backtesting Trades You Need to Prove a Strategy
There are many opinions on the minimum number of backtesting trades to prove a trading strategy works. Here’s how to REALLY figure it out.
5 Reasons to Backtest and Optimize a Trading Strategy
Learn how to test and optimize a trading strategy for yourself. This step is vital to your trading success. Get the tips and tricks here.
Forex Tester 5 vs NakedMarkets: Here’s the Winner
These are the best manual backtesting software solutions for Forex, stocks, futures and crypto. Learn which one is better and why.
How to Backtest Day Trading Strategies
Learn the best way to backtest a day trading strategy. Avoid the common mistakes and get tips on how to speed up your backtesting.
How Long Should You Backtest a Trading System?
Learn the reality of backtesting trading strategies and how long you should test each strategy. It’s probably not what you think.
How to Know if a Trading Strategy is Profitable
Learn how to figure out if a trading strategy is profitable and how profitable. Also find out the single most important question to ask.
19 Backtesting Mistakes Beginners Make
There are many ways that you can make mistakes when backtesting. If you make any of the mistakes listed below, you won’t have accurate data.
9 Forex Backtesting Mistakes to Avoid Like an Annoying Co-Worker
Backtesting is THE training method that has helped the highest number of traders that I have met, go pro. But if you make these mistakes, you will have a much lower probability of success. Learn what tools to use, common mistakes and the time period that…