If you are over trading or trying to double your account overnight, you are gambling, not trading. Successful trading should be boring. Yes, that might not sound like a lot of fun, but it is much, much more profitable. Learn how to make your trading more boring.
The 7 Trading Training Steps of Professional Forex Traders
I have noticed a pattern over the years. Most successful traders follow certain rules, while struggling traders do not.
How To Trade Forex For Beginners
This post will show you how to trade Forex for beginners. Learn the fastest and safest way to get started, without risking any money.
18 Reasons Why Forex Trader Is The Best Job Ever
Forex trader can be the perfect job for some people. It is not easy, but this list will help you remember why it can be the best job ever.
How to Find the Trading Timeframe That Matches Your Personality
Many aspiring traders are on the wrong trading timeframe. Find out what to do to figure out the best timeframe for you.
The Pros and Cons of Trading Forex
I was fortunate enough to have a reader email me on one of my previous posts. He shared with me a list that he created when he first got into Forex trading that outlines the pros and cons of trading. I thought it was a great list and he agreed to let me share it with you, so check it out and compare it with your own list. He even managed to work in a zombie apocalypse as a reason to trade Forex. Believe me, it’s a valid point.