Do you find meditation difficult? Don’t worry, many people do. That’s why it can be helpful to use a meditation aid. In this post, I’ll show you the results of my test of Holosync, an audio recording that is supposed to help you create a deeper level of meditation.
Advanced Trading Psychology: The High-Performance Trading Toolbox
Learn the advanced methods for improving your trading psychology. They go way beyond visualization or positive thinking.
7 Reasons Traders Can See the Same Chart Differently
Trading is weird in that two traders can look at the same chart and see entirely different things. Find out how this can happen in this post.
The Trading Reboot Guide for the Frustrated Trader
Are you frustrated and need a trading reboot? This post will give you the exact steps that you need to start on a clean slate.
How to Create a Rewards System to Achieve Your Trading Goals
If you are having trouble creating positive trading habits, then using a rewards system can speed up the time that it takes to develop these habits and reach your goals. This post will give you a simple 3-step strategy that you can use to get started.
Best Nootropics For Trading: Here’s What Happened When I Tried These Five
Can nootropics make you a better trader? In this post, I’ll go over the benefits and downsides to using these supplements and share my experience with using 5 of the top “smart drugs.”
5 Simple Ways to Find a High-Quality Trading Accountability Partner
Trading can be a lonely endeavor. A trading accountability buddy can help you stay on track and take your trading to the next level. But only if you work with the right person. In this post, I’ll show you how to find that person and…
How to Figure Out Your Trader Personality Profile
Figuring out your TH Trader Personality Profile is the first step in your journey to successful trading. Read this post to find out why.
5 Simple Reasons That Trading Plans Fail
Simply having a trading plan is not enough. Learn why trading plans usually fail and how to avoid the same fate.
3 Things Successful Traders Have in Common
Wondering what successful traders have that you are missing? Well it is probably one of these three things. In our conversations with successful traders, these keys to success come up very frequently. Learn how you can leverage them to start seeing positive results too.
5 Most Overlooked Keys to Successful Forex Trading
Everyone talks about entries, exits and trading systems. But not a lot of people talk about these five things. I wholeheartedly believe that they are more important that any trading strategy.
How to Figure Out Your Trading Risk Tolerance Personality (and why it matters)
Your Trading Risk Tolerance Personality is one of the 3 parts of the Trading Foundation. Learn how to figure it out and when not…