Trading is weird in that two traders can look at the same chart and see entirely different things. Find out how this can happen in this post.
The Trading Reboot Guide for the Frustrated Trader
Are you frustrated and need a trading reboot? This post will give you the exact steps that you need to start on a clean slate.
If Your Trading Sucks, It’s Not Your Fault. Here’s Why.
Are you always losing money in trading? Well, it’s not your fault. In this post, I show you why this key element in our upbringing has failed us and how to correct your path.
How Black and White Forex Charts Can Increase Trader Focus
This is one of those things that you didn’t realize was annoying until you try something else. In this post, I will show you why black and white charts rock.
How to Get Buridan’s Ass (Indecision) to Stop Screwing with Your Forex Trading
Some people suffer from Buridan’s Ass Syndrome in trading. Have you ever stared at the screen (like an ass) and didn’t know what to do next? This post will show you how fix this problem.
3 Ways the Trading Silodrome is Killing Your Profits
A Trading Silodrome may sound exciting, but it is one of the worst places to be stuck in trading. However, almost all beginning Forex traders get stuck in this pattern. I have been there before. Learn three ways that you can identify if you are stuck in one and how to get out.
How to Deal With People Who Want to Kill Your Trading Dream
If there are people in your life that are constantly saying that you should not be a trader, learn how to keep your trading dream alive.
One Thing You Do Not Want To Hear About Learning To Trade
Only read this post if you honestly want to be a great trader and are committed to the process. Otherwise it might crush your dreams.
There’s No Such Thing as a Natural Born Pilot (or trader)
Find out what being a fighter pilot has in common with being a currency trader. This post will compare the two and show you that they might not be as different as you think.
Stop Studying and Place a Trade Already
Learning is great, but you cannot keep your head stuck in a book forever. Find out how to place your first trade safely and without risking any money.
5 Ways That Minimalism Can Jumpstart Your Trading
Minimalism is not depriving yourself of everything. It is the process of making sure that you love everything you have. See how this concept can be used to improve your trading.
3 Reasons Why Trading Psychology Isn’t Sexy (and why it is)
Many traders overlook the importance that trading psychology plays in successful trading. They follow all of the rules from a course, but they are never able to trade as well as the person teaching the course and they wonder why. More often than not, it is because they have not taken the time to figure […]