If you only have one trading account, it can be tough to track the performance of multiple trading methods since all the trades are mixed together. How do you know what the starting balance is for each trade? How can you mark each trade with the trading method used? This post will show you exactly how to do it.
How to Turn Evernote Into a Kick-Ass Forex Trading Journal
There is a lot of trading journal software out there, but I use Evernote as my Forex Trading Journal. Get my trading diary template here.
MFE and MAE Explained: How They Can Improve Your Trading
Learn what MFE and MAE are and how they can improve your trading. Get the formulas and the benefits of these metrics.
How to Automatically Tweet Your Forex Trades
By nature, traders are generally pretty private people. So a lot of you may not be interested in being able to show the world your trading results. Besides, it can be a little embarrassing if you are not trading well or you are just starting out. I don’t care. If I’m going to blog, I’m […]
Video Tour of MyFxBook
Learn the features and benefits of MyFxBook and how it can make your job of journaling easier. Watch the video for more.
How to Get Oanda to Work With MyFxBook
This post will show you how to get MyFxBook working with Oanda. It can be a little tricky, so follow these steps.