Just like your trading strategy has to have an edge in the markets, you also have to develop a trading psychology edge. Learn how here.
How to Develop a Trader’s Mindset for Success
A successful mindset is at the core of consistently profitable trading. Get exercises on how to analyze and improve your mindset here.
9 Trading Psychology Secrets I Wish I Knew Earlier
These are the trading psychology secrets that I wish I knew when I first started. Learn from my mistakes.
19 Powerful Positive Affirmations for Traders
Daily positive affirmations can help you become an elite trader. But only if you write them correctly. Learn how to create powerful positive affirmations for trading.
How to Create a Rewards System to Achieve Your Trading Goals
If you are having trouble creating positive trading habits, then using a rewards system can speed up the time that it takes to develop these habits and reach your goals. This post will give you a simple 3-step strategy that you can use to get started.
5 Most Overlooked Keys to Successful Forex Trading
Everyone talks about entries, exits and trading systems. But not a lot of people talk about these five things. I wholeheartedly believe that they are more important that any trading strategy.
19 Inspiring Movies That Show You Anything is Possible
Are you a little discouraged by your trading results? These movies can help you break out of your funk and get you on the right track. Success largely mental and watching one of these movies can help you keep a positive outlook on life and trading.
If Your Trading Sucks, It’s Not Your Fault. Here’s Why.
Are you always losing money in trading? Well, it’s not your fault. In this post, I show you why this key element in our upbringing has failed us and how to correct your path.
31 Statements That Prove That You are Not Ready to be a Pro Trader
Think you got what it takes to be a professional trader? Well, see if you still say some of these things. If you make any of these statements on a regular basis, sorry to break it to you, but you are not ready.
Winners Self-Promote. Losers Do This.
Is self-promotion a bad thing? Some people seem to think so. But are people who promote themselves as traders or trading educators all bad? Here’s what I think.
Your Secret Weapon in Trading: Forgive Yourself
A secret weapon in trading that most people don’t talk about is the ability forgive yourself at different points in the trading process.
17 of the Best Trading Quotes of All-Time
Trading quotes can inspire you and remind you how you should be trading. These are my favorite quotes, I hope they inspire you too.