There is a statement that I hear occasionally, that annoys the hell out of me. So I finally decided to write about it.
I'm not sure if this will change anyone's mind, but it needs to be said.
The Statement
It usually goes a little something like this:
“That trader cannot possibly be legit because they are such a big self promoter.”
I get emails like this occasionally and it's just about the dumbest thing that I have ever heard.
Guess why?
Because you are a self-promoter too!
Everyone is a self promoter…or at least I hope so.
More on that in a minute…
Let's start with the most common reason for the negative connotation around traders who market themselves heavily. Yes, that person could be a scam.
But remember, going out of your way to call someone a scam is preventing you from realizing your full potential, as a trader.
So don't do it. Focus on what you want to have instead (education, a trader to trade for you, etc).
You Are a Self-Promoter Too…or at Least I Hope So!
Now that we have that out of the way, let's take a look at the facts. You are just as guilty of being a self-promoter as that guy on Instagram or Twitter.
If you aren't promoting yourself, then I feel sorry for you.
But since you want to be a successful trader, I know that you are great at self-promotion and you have probably had quite a bit of success up until this point.
That's just what the law of averages says.
Here are the two big areas where we promote ourselves and might not think about it as self-promotion.
Your Job
Did you send out a resume to get your job? I'm sure that you spent hours on that resume…
…making sure that there were no typos and that all of your achievements were there. Or maybe you paid someone to do it.
Either way, you are guilty of self-promotion!
You hustled, prepared yourself for the interview and did your best to highlight your strengths.
But does anyone frown upon this behavior?
Of course not.
Getting a good job puts food on your table, a roof over your head and makes sure that your family is taken care of. It pays your health insurance and much more.
So why wouldn't you work as hard as possible to promote your skills and get that job?
Nobody else is going to do it for you.
Your Significant Other
When you go out on a first date with someone, do you shower, comb your hair and brush your teeth?
I sure hope so.
Furthermore, you are probably on your best behavior, you might bring flowers and maybe even rehearse a few jokes.
But just to get that first date probably required a lot of work too. You might have joined an online dating service and if you did, you probably used your best picture and description.
…all shameless self-promotion.
If your date was successful and it becomes more, you have self-promotion to thank.
Again, who else is going to do it for you?
The bottom line is that people with any type of business, trading or otherwise, will have to promote their company to stay in business. Regardless if they are legitimate or shady, the amount of hustle required to be successful is the same.
So why not judge the person on references and actual conversations with them, instead of their marketing?
Since you want to learn how to trade successfully, I'm very sure that you have been successful in these areas…in addition to several others. You have been successful because you are a fantastic self-promoter.
…but you have probably never thought of it that way before.
So before you write anyone off, just because they are doing a great job promoting themselves…check yourself for a minute. That person is busy winning, while everyone is busy doing the other thing.
Which side do you want to be on?