This is one of those things that you didn’t realize was annoying until you try something else. In this post, I will show you why black and white charts rock.
5 Trading Situations You Must be Prepared For
To be a successful trader, there are five basic situations that you have to be prepared for. In this post, I will go over what they are and how you can decide right now, what you will do when these situations arise. The worst thing you can do is have a knee-jerk reaction to them.
Embrace the Suck if You Want to Make it in Trading
If you are struggling with your trading right now, then this post might help you see it as a good thing. Yes, there is something good that come out of being a losing trader. But only if you approach it with the right mindset.
An Experiment in Binaural Beats Meditation for Trading
If you are stuck in a rut and want to change your brainwave patterns, then binaural beats can help. In this post, I explore how they work, research on both sides of the argument of if they do work or not and how you can try it for yourself.
How to Get Buridan’s Ass (Indecision) to Stop Screwing with Your Forex Trading
Some people suffer from Buridan’s Ass Syndrome in trading. Have you ever stared at the screen (like an ass) and didn’t know what to do next? This post will show you how fix this problem.
3 Easy Ways to Tell if You Have Great Trading Ideas (without risking money)
It can be really easy to fool ourselves into thinking that we have amazing trading ideas. Learn how to find out the truth.
5 Ways to Make Forex Trading Boring – The Trading Psychology of Success
If you are over trading or trying to double your account overnight, you are gambling, not trading. Successful trading should be boring. Yes, that might not sound like a lot of fun, but it is much, much more profitable. Learn how to make your trading more boring.
Why Exposing Trading Scams is Killing Your Trading Results
Trading scams are as old as the industry itself. But I believe that it is bad for business for us to cry scam too quickly. I’ll show you why this is the case and how you can preserve your mental and financial capital for more important things.
3 Simple Ways to Develop Confidence in Trading Forex
If you are having trouble taking trades or exiting trades because you don’t have confidence in your trading method, these three simple methods can get you back on track. Try them all or use the one that works best for you.
The Anatomy of Going on Tilt in Trading
I went on tilt late last year and it has taken me awhile to come back from it. This post will analyze what I did, what I should have done and how you can prevent yourself from doing the same thing. You will also be able to see my current trading results and I would love to hear about your experiences.
3 Ways the Trading Silodrome is Killing Your Profits
A Trading Silodrome may sound exciting, but it is one of the worst places to be stuck in trading. However, almost all beginning Forex traders get stuck in this pattern. I have been there before. Learn three ways that you can identify if you are stuck in one and how to get out.
A 90 Day Experiment In Reprogramming Wealth Awareness
One reason that you aren’t making the money that you want to make is because you have been programmed to only make a maximum amount of money. It sounds weird, but it is true. Find out how I intend to fix my wealth programming and how you can possibly do the same.