A consistently profitable strategy is actually developed in three stages. This post will show you if you are making the mistake of trading something that is not a proven Strategy.
The 9 to 5 Worker’s Guide to Becoming a Profitable Trader
It can be overwhelming to learn how to trade with a day job. This post will give you practical and actionable tips for learning how to become a profitable trader, in the least amount of time.
How to Buy and Send Bitcoin for the First Time
You may think that buying Bitcoin is more complex than it really is. In this post, I’ll show you exactly how easy it is to make your first purchase and keep your investment safe from hackers.
The Beginner’s Guide to Creating a Secure Ethereum Paper Wallet
Why would you want to keep a digital currency on paper? This post will show you why you may want to create an Ethereum paper wallet and how to mint your first one.
9 Forex Backtesting Mistakes to Avoid Like an Annoying Co-Worker
Backtesting is THE training method that has helped the highest number of traders that I have met, go pro. But if you make these mistakes, you will have a much lower probability of success. Learn what tools to use, common mistakes and the time period that…
How to Lock In Cryptocurrency Gains Without a Bank Transfer
What is the best way to lock in the gains that you have made from a cryptocurrency trade? This blog post will show you how to do it, while still keeping your cash available to take the next trading opportunity.
You Learned a Forex Trading Strategy on YouTube. Now What?
What do you do with those YouTube Forex trading strategies that you learn? This post will show you exactly what to do next.
The Total Beginner’s Guide to Cryptocurrency Trading (Bitcoin, Ether and More)
Cryptocurrencies can be a little hard to understand in the beginning. But once you get it, you will realize that there is a ton of…
7 Huge Advantages to Trading a Tiny Forex Account
Almost every new Forex trader I talk to wants to take a $10,000 account and make a million dollars by next year. But wiser traders know that starting with an account of between $100 and $1,000 is a much better way to…
What is Volume in Forex Trading?
Can trading volume be used to find potential trades in Forex trading? Learn how trading volume works in stocks and find out if the same trading strategies can be used in Forex trading.
3 Things You Must Have for Forex Success
These are the three things that you absolutely must have in order to have any chance of succeeding as a Forex trader. They are not always mentioned in books and courses, but they can make all the difference in your development.
Is the Entry or Exit More Important in Trading?
Some traders say that the exit is more important than the entry, in trading. Is that true? Well, that depends on your trading system. However, I believe that the entry is far more important than the exit. Here’s why…