Meditation for traders can be something that is easy to dismiss. It may seem like some “woo-woo” stuff that hippies try to get you to do before you take LSD.
But it actually has a lot of benefits.
This has been scientifically proven.
Yes, both LSD and meditation.
But since meditation is legal and LSD isn't, let's focus on meditation…
I have personally found meditation very useful in helping me become a better trader.
I think that there are some misconceptions about why meditation is valuable to traders.
So in this post, I'll give you my personal reasons as to why I think meditation is transformational, then I'll show you an infographic that will point you to scientific studies that have shown the benefits of meditation.
The Real Value of Meditation for Traders
You may think that meditation quiets your mind and gives you a big epiphany at some point, if you do it long enough.
But that's not really how it works.
At least in my experience…
To me, this is the real value of meditation:
The real value of meditation is you are more aware of what you are doing, allowing you to make positive changes.
But there are so many more benefits.
Meditation in Action
How can you tell if you have a good meditation session?
Well, it isn't always when you feel the most calm.
Sometimes the best sessions are ones where you are working through stuff and it feels like a storm.
But calmness does help. One way that you can measure this is with the Muse headband.
The free app that they provide is very rudimentary, but it does give you an idea of how calm your mind was during your meditation.
If you know anything about meditation, you know that it's not the calmness that matters, but it is the frequency that your brain is in.
Here are two meditation sessions that I recorded with Muse.
I'll write more about specific frequencies (and how to measure them) in a later blog post.
The Secret Weapon to Becoming the Best Trader You Can Be
Here's a great infographic from Chris at 2nd Skies Forex. It shows you the value of meditation in trading and why it is important for traders to do.
If you have any reservations at all about the benefits of meditation, then I think this information could change your mind.
If you have any personal experiences with meditation and how it has helped your trading, we would love to hear about it in the comments after the graphic.